Guides for voters in Washington, Oregon and California
Choose your State you reside
The residential address must be in Oregon.
Verify the person has answered both questions regarding qualifications.
To complete this form, a person will need an Oregon driver’s license, state ID number, or last 4 digits of their Social Security number. Applicants without one of these standard IDs may leave this section blank and provide a copy of the acceptable identifications indicated on the form.
If a person was previously registered in Washington under a different name or address, they should complete the fifth section of the form.
Make sure the person signs the declaration and that the signature is clear.
By Mail
The residential address must be in Oregon. The mailing address is where the ballot will be sent, and can be anywhere in the world.
Verify the person has answered both questions regarding qualifications.
If the person qualifies as a military or overseas voter, make sure they complete this section.
To complete this form, a person will need a Oregon driver’s license, state ID number, or last 4 digits of their Social Security number. Applicants without one of these standard IDs may leave this section blank but will be asked for alternative ID by their county elections department before the registration can be approved.
If a person was previously registered in Oregon under a different name or address, they should complete the registration update section of the form.
Make sure the person signs the declaration and that the signature is clear.
Washington State
The residential address must be in WA.
Verify the person has answered both questions regarding qualifications.
If the person qualifies as a military or overseas voter, make sure they complete this section.
To complete this form, a person will need a Washington driver’s license, state ID number, or last 4 digits of their Social Security number. Applicants without one of these standard IDs may leave this section blank but will be asked for alternative ID by their county elections department before the registration can be approved.
If a person was previously registered in Washington under a different name or address, they should complete the fifth section of the form.
Make sure the person signs the declaration and that the signature is clear.
By Mail
To register, go to [OLVR] at votewa.gov. The system will notify users if the deadline has passed to register electronically for an upcoming election, and direct them to in-person voter registration services. To begin an electronic application, click “start” on the home screen.
Users will then be directed to enter information regarding personal identification, language preference, military service, and their address within Washington. Users will then be asked to affirm the accuracy of the information entered, and to authorize the use of their signature on their driver’s license for voter registration purposes.
Upon submitting the registration, VoteWA users will be presented with a confirmation of its receipt, as well as information about their county of registration.
By Mail
To register online you will need:
Your California driver license or California identification card number,
The last four digits of your social security number and
Your date of birth.
Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature. If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote. However, you will need to take additional steps to complete your voter registration.
If you would like to register using a paper voter registration application, you can pick one up at your county elections office, library, Department of Motor Vehicles offices, or U.S. post office.