AUG 2nd WA Voter Guide
AUG 2nd WA Voter Guide <
WASHINGTON Primary Election - AUG 2nd, 2022
Select your county for SVAction Ballot Recommendations
< < < < < < < < < < VOTER GUIDES and Candidate Recommendation’s supplied by SVAction (501c4) > > > > > > > > > >
Ep. # 38. Heidi St John - Congressional Candidate - RECOMMENDED BY SVAction
Ep. # 16. Slavic Candidate - Urges all Slavics to vote!
#32 - Andrey Ivanov Pt 2 - FlashLove; Restoring The NW
We hope this new process removes barriers from voting and helps enable more people to vote in our community.
For this primary election we didn’t survey all the candidates, but partnered with SV Action and other organizations to bring you information that helps you complete your ballot accordingly.
Election Assistance
SV Action
For questions and inquiries, email
SV Action Reviewed Candidates Based on the following and not limited, which directly aligns with Slavic Community Values:
Support for school vouchers and school choice
Support for parental consent in their child’s school decisions
Support for protecting students from radical curriculum that seeks to indoctrinate
Support for parental rights
Support for fully re-opening schools
Support for school vouchers and school choice
Support for parental consent in their child’s medical decisions
Support for protecting students from radical curriculum that seeks to indoctrinate
Elect the strongest and most effective advocates for the protection of innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.