The Democratic Party Platform
“...every woman should have access and legal abortion. We will repeal the Title X domestic gag rule and restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood. We will repeal the Hyde Amendment, and protect and codify the right to reproductive freedom.”
“Democrats know that small businesses are among the best job creators in our country. We will significantly boost funding for state small business grant and lending initiatives that generate tens of billions of dollars of private-sector investment, especially for small businesses owned by women and people of color. We will increase access to credit for small businesses in low-income and rural areas, including for unbanked or underbanked businesses. And we will increase funding for programs supporting businesses owned by women and people of color, including ending the Trump Administration’s effort to starve the Minority Business Development Agency, improving and expanding Small Business Administration (SBA) programs that most effectively support women- and minority-owned businesses, and increasing opportunities for women- and minority-owned businesses to obtain or participate in federal contracts.”
“encourage big corporations to ship jobs overseas and evade paying their fair share of taxes.” “We will make sure the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.”
No stance in the platform.
“When we do not have competent, experienced, compassionate leaders in government, the American people suffer. “
“Democrats celebrate America’s history of religious pluralism and tolerance and recognize the countless acts of service of our faith communities, as well as the paramount importance of maintaining the separation between church and state enshrined in our Constitution.”
“Democrats applaud this year’s U.S. Supreme Court decision that made clear that employment discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity violates the law. We will ensure that all transgender and non-binary people can procure official government identification documents that accurately reflect their gender identity.”
“As Democrats, we believe that education is a critical public good—not a commodity—and that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that every child, everywhere, is able to receive a world-class education that enables them to lead meaningful lives, no matter their race, ZIP code, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or household income...”
“Democrats will enact universal background checks, end online sales of guns and ammunition, close dangerous loopholes that currently allow stalkers and some individuals convict- ed of assault or battery to buy and possess firearms, and adequately fund the federal background check system. We will close the ‘Charleston loophole’ and prevent individuals who have been convicted of hate crimes from possessing firearms. Democrats will ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines. We will incentivize states to enact licensing requirements for owning firearms and ‘red flag’ laws that allow courts to temporarily remove guns from the possession of those who are a danger to themselves or others. We will pass legislation requiring that guns be safely stored in homes. And Democrats believe that gun companies should be held responsible for their products, just like any other business, and will prioritize repealing the law that shields gun manufacturers from civil liability.”
*This non-partisan information contains direct quotes from respective 2020 Party Platforms. You are encouraged to do independent research. Sample of this was taken from